Friday, April 22, 2011

Jessie. The first 48.

What has Princess Furry Britches added to our lives? It’s not unlike bringing a new child into the house.

Extreme amounts of cuteness, affection, anxiety and work. Endless games of FETCH (which is becoming a bad word to me, and not in the Utah Pseudo Swearword kind of way.)

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HUMOR! Yesterday morning O summoned me to the bathroom to help him “wipe” but Jessie beat me to it and managed to stick her tongue right up in there before I screamed and then rolled around on the ground laughing. O said it felt like a warm wet wipe. {{{{{{{{dying}}}}}}}}

How’d you like that, girl?

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She is the best behaved dog I have ever met, but she has one small flaw. She cannot stand to be left alone (how did mia and  I manage to get a dog with separation anxiety? I mean, really?)

She goes with us almost everywhere. Riding in the car is her favorite. HOWEVER. We do need to be apart every once in awhile ie: picking the kids up from school.

Day 1- I left her loose in the house. I’d be back in 20 minutes- no big, right? Well, when we pulled onto our street she was standing in the middle of the road. PANIC! She had jumped through the window screen in the dining room. Also, she had knocked the trash can over.

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Day 2- Plan B. I left her in the boy’s bathroom. It’s pretty gross… how much damage could she do? How about making the toilet paper into confetti, tearing the shower curtain and scratching paint off the wall. Yeah.

Day 3- starting to work on Kennel Training. She seems fairly ok with it so far. We’ll see how it goes.

In spite of it all- we kinda love her.

Owen drew a picture of her.


I love this picture- It seems that this is a mix of a German Shepherd and a Duck.

1 comment:

  1. Kinda reminds me of this....
