Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Seven years went under the bridge, like time was standing still…

at the pool (8)

Once upon a time, I had a baby.. who looked a like this when he was four.

Overnight, he turned into this.

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DSC_0039 e2 with name

(This was his birthday present from Papa and Gramma- They took him to Cal Ranch for cowboy boots and he ended up coming out with a hat, a snap shirt, a sweet belt with a big buckle AND the boots. He wants to be Boone from The Indian in the Cupboard for Halloween, but he wears the whole outfit pretty much every day. He looks so cute I almost can’t stand it.)


  1. he is so handsome Jenna! and a sweety-pie too! We also love The Indian in the Cupboard movie. I think you have a pretty awesome family!

  2. Wow, what a gorgeous kid.
