Sunday, August 14, 2011

Better sex through chastity?

You’d better believe it!

I read this article today and it made me think back on the different choices I’ve made in my life- I couldn’t have been in two more different marriages. The first one was preceded by premarital sex (sorry mom and dad--- as if you hadn’t figured that one out already) I won’t share any other details… you don’t want or need to know.

I’ve spent the past 11 years since my temple marriage learning that love, intimacy, commitment, respect and dignity are the only way to go. So much better sex too! There’s really no comparison.

I loved the following paragraphs from the article especially. I hope that Mia will be able to learn these lessons without having to experience them first hand like her mama did.

I, for one, have never been so grateful for the law of chastity. It seems terribly quaint in today’s culture to postpone sex until after marriage, and in practice it’s not at all easy to do. But it guarantees the romance of courtship and commitment. And (I think this is why the Twilight novels are so popular) there is nothing more sexy than anticipation.

A friend of mine did her dissertation on sexuality in Mormon women, and in her research the women who were most satisfied in their sex lives felt a sense of ownership about their sexuality. That it was a God-given gift, to be kept sacred before and within marriage, and that it should work for them. When she was a teacher in Young Women, she taught the girls that chastity gave them power. Not some kind of coy pseudo-power over male desire, but power to have their own desires for physical gratification, love, emotional intimacy, commitment, respect, and dignity met in the best possible way. These are things I want for myself and for eventually for my daughter, and I’m ever so grateful for a belief system that makes them possible.”


  1. Good article! I agree totally.

  2. I especially liked her comment about chastity as a means of empowering women and young girls. I'd never looked at it that way before.
