Monday, November 7, 2011

Joni Mitchell- the soundtrack of my life.

Last night I was thinking about the fact that for every stage in my life there has been a perfect Joni Mitchell song that could be the soundtrack of my experience.

Such as...
Dating Russ- "You turn me on, I'm a radio"
Married to Greg- "Woman of Heart and Mind"
Separated from Greg and expecting Mia- "Amelia"
Falling back in love with Mitch- "Help Me"
Married to Mitch- "My Old Man"

The most recent song of hers to really resonate with me is this one...

i love every single word, but these are the lyrics that seem to apply to my life the most at this moment.

Caught in the middle
Carol we're middle class
We're middle aged
We were wild in the old days

This girl of my childhood games
With kids nearly grown and gone
Grown so fast
Like the turn of a page
We look like our mothers did now
When we were those kids' age
Nothing lasts for long

Anyone out there have a Joni song to share?


  1. I love Joni Mitchell so so so so much. Her music is so meaningful to me. I love Little Green as it describes a part of my life that I went through.

  2. Hey! I am shocked to find a new post! Yay!
    Ken got me hooked on her right when we started dating - maybe even as a requisite for our marriage I'm not sure :)

  3. Mom turned me on to Joni Mitchell when we first got together and I've enjoyed her (Joni Mitchell, not Mom) ever since. Our baby, Joni Martin Terry, was named after Joni Mitchell.

    She writes and records music that is meaningful to her and the hell with the critics and those who just don't like her.
